Das familiengeführte Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz im thüringischen Saalfeld ist weltweiter Marktführer bei Saugbaggern. Es wurde 1993 gegründet. RSP beschäftigt 220 Mitarbeiter an drei Standorten in Deutschland und erzielte im Geschäftsjahr 2017 einen Umsatz von XY Milliarden Euro.
We do not claim to be the cheapest supplier, but our products feature outstanding quality and have a long service life. This is demonstrated time and time again by the satisfaction of our customers. The standard of our manufacturing on site in Germany contributes to this high quality. With these excellent conditions, special requests from our customers can be accommodated at any time. Fast and flexible production times are self-evident in this area for us. We always take care that your requests as a customer are tended to as quickly as possible and your fully unique solution can be used.
You, as our customer, and your wishes are the focus of our attention. Our service begins before you have even decided on an RSP product. We will give you comprehensive advice and will meet with you face-to-face to decide the solution you really need.The expertise and the experience of RSP forms the basis for your long-term success.
Your contract is our project. To keep you up to date, our project manager informs you before and during production on the current situation. You are also the link between design and production.
Standard or customised approach - we can provide both. The basis is an efficient 3D-design with experienced staff. We provide our customers with not only standard models but also a series of other special designs for extra special applications. Even individual solutions are implemented quickly by our experienced employees.
Our products impress with a long service life. This is based on selecting high-quality materials and material thicknesses. In steelwork, all the important parts are mounted and aligned on the carrier chassis and the mounting points drilled before painting. Every customer is able to influence the special designs for his machine as part of the body shell acceptance process.
After the sandblasting, the metal surfaces are degreased before the paintwork with 2-component paint can be applied in the customer's desired colour. As well as gloss finishes, we are also able to offer a special high-strength construction machine finish.
The machine is handed over and initial training given in the company's delivery centre. Customers can take delivery of their machines in a calm and pleasant atmosphere. Close proximity to our customers is particularly important to us. It has been a feature of our company philosophy to the present day. Our objective is close cooperation with our business partners.
We pay attention to high-quality components right at the stage of choosing our suppliers. Regular quality inspections are carried out between the individual production stages. On completion, every single machine is subjected to an internal and also to an external quality inspection. All these measures contribute to fulfilling our high quality requirements.
We place great importance on the strict separation of work areas with a lot of accumulated dirt and a clean final assembly area. As this is the basis for high quality. The machines are manufactured in a modern and safe work area at four final assembly stations. Special workstations for hydraulic and electrical systems ensure a smooth workflow. We consciously emphasis the use of mixed teams consisting of young and old. Each team is responsible for the final assembly of the assigned machine. All production steps and components are recorded and archived electronically.
When you bought your suction excavator, you deliberately chose very high quality.We are there for you also after delivery of the machine and offer you a comprehensive service with the usual high quality. Our efficient service team and our trained external partners are the basis for short response times.